Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentines For You
The Valentines show featured a variety of scenes having to do with love. The concept was nice, but we had a little trouble getting it to show. But we did do it, we had fun, and the audience did too. What were the hold-ups? Poor Barbara got sick twenty minutes before show and went home, with Pam pinch hitting as Mrs. Henderson. David M. didn't feel well either and asked to have the line up changed so he could go home early. The storm that was supposed to roll in waited until we were done with the show-- that was helpful. Daniel and Wednesday provided a good upbeat tempo to start out the show and then we were going full steam. We had visits with the Thin Man, Burns and Allen, The Bickersons, and Candy Matson.
We had delicious chocolates, good coffee, free candy valentines and the flowers? Well, Linda had closed up shop by the time we had gotten there so--- no raffle flowers. But we got a lovely rendition of the Anniversary song out to a couple who had stopped by and had a good night.
We learned that the ten minute snippets aren't as fun as a whole script. We learned that having extra back-up people is a good thing. And we learned that fun and love and goodwill can smooth out a show with a few bumps in it.
See ya on St. Pat's!

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