Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do you want that with potatoes?

On March 14th we had one of the most enjoyable shows we have ever done. Our St. Pat's show was memorable in that we had our first, well really our second - quiz show. It was our first quiz show that featured facts about potatoes though! We started with a funny Fibber and Molly segment, that included a quick change -thank goodness Stacey is a whiz kid with quick changes. Next up, we had the Potato quiz. Janine, Beans, and Gullerud know how to play things like that to the hilt. Lastly, we had our version of Father Knows Best "Da Knows Best". Okay, some of us need to work on our Irish accents a wee bit more, but for the most part what an impressive display of lilting and broguishness. You'd think we a had all come over on the last boat from the Emerald Isle.
The jingles were a hit, and some quick change artistry there too. Pam, Lee, and Janine are great! Wendy from Chatterpillar won the 10 lbs of potatoes! And a new face won the donated shamrock balloon bouquet. We ended the night with some very dear-to-the-heart toasts courtesy of David that raised the spirits of all. And a reminder public service announcement from the CHP about drinking and driving. It was a really fun night. I laughed like mad- I sure hope you were there too. See you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me when the drama team will be offering another presentation? We always seem to read about them AFTER they have happened.